

My new blog is not showing up on everyone's blog dashboards or updating on their "Blogs I Read" sidebars. I've deleted my custom domain name temporarily (I still own it) to see if that helps, but I'm afraid it isn't.

Please comment if you can see this post!

UPDATE: It looks like we're finally showing up! BUT now my custom domain isn't working (

EDIT 3/12: It looks like we are up and working after some help from Google.


  1. Your blog is showing up on my reading list! yay!

  2. I found it! The domain name wasn't working for me with the link you left in the comment, but I found this one under your blogger profile!! I'll make sure it's in my reader. :) Thanks for letting me know!

  3. If I enter your web address I get a message that it isn't possible to connect. I can click on your link from the comment you left on my blog and it will take me to your blog. Hmmm. Also I haven't been able to add to my blog list lately so I can't tell you if that's working on my site. Hope you get it sorted!

  4. I can see it. And yah! I'm glad you are blogging again.

  5. This post came up in my Feedly.


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing your thoughts! Please email me directly at if you want to connect!